Friday, March 1, 2013

So you can't afford to replace ALL of our Traffic Signs!

Some people worry that they have to replace all of their street or traffic signs that are not in compliance with the minimum retroreflectivity requirements as set forth in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).  This is not always the case however.  The objective of the guidelines is to get street departments , public works officials, and transportation agencies is to establish a management method to maintaining their signs.  The management method concept helps ensure that those organizations are doing all that they can, with the time and money they have to work with, to keep traffic sign reflectivity at adequate levels for the traveling public.  If you've ever seen traffic signs that are not maintained it can be an ugly sight.  So you ask yourself, How do I begin?  Here are some steps that will help you accomplish this without bursting your budget or breaking the bank:

  1. Evaluate Management/Assessment Methods
  2. Complete a Sign Inventory
  3. Document Deficient Signs
  4. Choose your desired Management/Assesment Method
  5. Begin Replacement/Upgrade of Deficient Signs According to Your chosen Management Method
Some important things to remember:
  • Document all sign maintenance activities
  • Document all future sign purchases and manufacture dates
  • Order appropriate sheeting for all future signs
  • Follow your written policy as close as possible
More information on sign retroreflectivity for small local agencies can be found in the Retroreflectivity Toolkit published by the FHWA by visiting

Friday, January 11, 2013

MAP-21 A key to Geospatial Progress

The most recent funding act for federal surface transportation projects called MAP-21 has an exciting focus for firms like Cloudpoint.

Most notably, MAP-21 requires 3D modeling/virtual construction and visualization technology for all eligible projects. Section 1304 of the legislation authorizes as much as 100 percent federal financing for projects that contain innovative technologies such as "digital 3-dimensional modeling." This is a boon for firms that are experienced in both GIS and BIM technologies and can deliver a project quickly and efficiently using them. While the law is complex, the language surrounding its technology mandate is not. BIM, LiDAR, and GIS projects will be funded much more easily by the federal government than non-modeled, non-mapped projects. Planning and approval for 3D projects is also streamlined under the new law.
MAP-21 creates a performance-based, multimodal program to address the challenges facing our national transportation system such as improving safety, maintaining infrastructure condition, reducing traffic congestion, improving efficiency of the system and freight movement, protecting the environment, and reducing delays in project delivery. To do so, MAP-21 builds on and refines many of the highway, transit, bike, and pedestrian programs and policies established by the federal government in 1991.

See the full article here...

Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all! As we celebrate what we are thankful for, Cloudpoint Staff looks at what has blessed them and lead to such a great first year. From new technology to a new website we have certainly found our place. 

Website - Cloudpoint just updated their website to offer client based viewing solutions. The website has a different look and has industry white papers by our staff as well as our statement of qualifications and brochure. The client based solutions offers a viewing application to show assets and attributes that have been added. Online editing applications are to come.

Bathymetric Mapping - FINALLY! After some research, development, and programming, we have created a bathymetric mapping solution for lakes and lagoons. Connecting a sonar unit to our Trimble GeoXH, Cloudpoint has a cost effective solution for mapping lake bottom features and contours.

Lake map of small 1-acre pond near Roanoke, IL

Data Collection - Recent projects have proven the use of GIS to municipalities. The City of Fairbury, Illinois knew of a few hundred surface sewer and water features, but after data collection with the workers in the field, we found ourself collecting well over 4,000. The use of sub-inch GPS and the help of the sewer and water department employees ensures the best collection of attribute data and a complete GIS system. Collecting this CMOM data now ensures that municipalities will know where there assets are for the next generation of employees.

LIDAR - Matt Dondanville, our second employee, has taken the role of LIDAR expert. Taking grad school classes to explore the best processing techniques, he has found interest in aerial and mobile applications for local government. This technology is the future of geospatial services for municipalities and Cloudpoint strives to be on the cutting edge.

As Cloudpoint grows and continues to learn. We find ourselves being thankful for what we have been blessed with. We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and hope to hear about your successes.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Getting beyond the electric fence with a Trimble Geo XH...

Avoiding the shock of the fence and the charge of the bull....

So how do you get a highly accurate GPS location on something that is not accessible???  Using the Trimble Geo XH 6000 series and Terrasync (cm) Edition we are able to use the "Offset" command in the Data collection tools within Terrasync software.  We simply tell the unit that the point is exactly 10 feet south of our current location and we start collecting data.  The system will automatically assign the GPS location with an offset of the given distance and bearing.  Out in the woods and not sure on the bearing??? Simply pull out your iphone and use a compass app to come within a couple degrees of the actual direction.  Keep in mind you will need to calibrate the app prior to using it but it is very simple to do.  In addition, remember that the farther away you are standing from your target, any error in the bearing will be greatly exaggerated so its generally good practice to keep the offset distance to a minimum.  For more tips and tricks on GPS data collection visit us at

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Look For Us at Upcoming Events! ILGISA, IACE, IPLSA, ILCMA

Cloudpoint Geographics is coming to a location near you...

Visit us at our New Display!
Here is a quick update on where we plan to be (the Lord and weather willing):

Sept 27, 2012- IACE (Illinois County Engineers Association)- Bloomington, IL
October 16-17, 2012- ILGISA (Illinois GIS Association)- Naperville, IL
November 5-8, 2012- Trimble Dimensions 2012- Las Vegas, NV
February 14-15- IPLSA (Illinois Professional Land Surveyors Association)- Springfield, IL
February 20-22- ILCMA (Illinois City / County Management Association)- Peoria, IL

Be sure to stop by for a visit to find our more information on the following:
  • GPS inventories & asset management
  • GIS for Mobile Devices (including Androids & iOS)
  • ArcGIS products, extensions, & training
  • Trimble Mapping & GIS Product training
  • Web-hosted GIS solutions
  • LIDAR data collection & processing

Monday, September 17, 2012

Big Fish Tales!

Normally I only post every couple of weeks but this one couldn't wait.

Jon Hodel with a 33+ inch Northern Pike
42.490217, -85.426408

We went on our annual fishing trip with a great group of friends this past weekend and had some great success.  We hit the water as soon as we arrived on Thursday late afternoon and there was a front moving through that must have gotten these toothy critters excited.  The northern were explosively hitting almost anything we threw at them.  This one was caught on the SE corner of the large island in about 8 feet of water with lots of weeds on a Mepps No. 5 Aglia with red & yellow stem.  If you are patient enough to cast into the weedy areas and pull the "veggy tales" off your line, you can expect these guys to attack at any time.  Overall our group pulled in over 500 fish (blue gill, crappie, bass, and northern) and 8 of them that were over 30 inches in length.  Don't worry, we threw them all back except for a few pan fish so you can give it a try yourself.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

So Where are Your Underground Utilities?

How do you find your underground utilities?  Does your method of relocating them consist of your veteran public works director and the third-generation local excavator estimating them based upon a combined 70 years of memory?  We find this all to common in today's communities where their baby-boom staff will soon retire and take with them an incredible amount of "tribal knowledge".  Although they may have an incredible ability to tell where those 50 year old lines are at, someday these folks will not be available.  That's why mapping these utilities with GPS equipment is so critical!  Don't loose all of that valuable information, you just can't take that risk.  It doesn't have to be expensive equipment that costs thousands of dollars.  Even a simple $200 Garmin eTrex will get you headed in the right direction.  Today's GPS equipment can provide accuracies that vary from five feet to five millimeters.

Mapping a pipeline with the Trimble GeoXH

In addition if you are a local government agency that has a permitting process for underground utilities, why not start requiring the permittee to provide you as-builts with GPS coordinates.  You can do this with a simple ordinance update and even specify the accuracy requirements, and they don't have to be overly tight.  This is not an unreasonable request and will not place an "undue" hardship on them when the cost of GPS equipment is so insignificant these days.  The point is once you have the data it can be used in so many different capacities.  So why not set your agency on the right course today and make things better for the next generation!